Monday, October 20, 2008

Planting for the Spring of 2009

Its September and the corn, tomatoes, peppers, and other plants have been pulled out and the ground tilled under with some compost and cow manure. I have planted 152 white garlic, 39 German hard neck garlec, and 6 elephant garlic. The kale is just about ready to pick and it looks like the Brussels sprouts will be picked in about two weeks.
I planted snow peas where I had the corn this year as a cover crop and if the weather holds out I just might get a small harvest of snow peas this year.
Now that most of the "gardening" work is just about done for the season I will have time to plan and layout next year’s garden. I hope to have a new fence up and around the garden to keep rodents in there own area and out of my little garden. I have expanded the square foot of the garden for next year and plan to have one area just for herbs and a little area for flowers.
I am hoping to have some fruit trees planted and a little orchard started.
I am also thinking about adding some chickens to the mix to help out with the bug control.
I’ll have to see about that one.

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