Thursday, April 16, 2009

Good buy old Friend

I lost a friend yesterday yes my laptop died, it looks like there is nothing left to do but to have it recycled. It has been a true and faithful friend for the past 6 or 7 years now. Those of you who know computers know that that thing should have been dead a while a go. A 6 year computer is so out dated and slow that is was any wonder that it could keep up. So now I am on the desk top un-tell I have enough put away to get a laptop. I don't think I will get a top of the line, however, now for $500.00 I can get one 5x's better than my old one.
So on to the garden, I have decided to pull up the black weed barrier and put down grass. I am hoping that that will help to drain out the leach field and help keep the weeds down a bit more.
I got my hands on some New York Soft Neck garlic the other day and planted it yesterday I think that will be fun.
The asparagus is coming up (I'll see if I can get a photo of them up soon.) there nice and thick with good color that is so neat.
I finally to my soil sample back two days ago, (I will try to get a scan of it and post it for you.)
Our soil is high in soluble salts and low in iron and organic matter and high in alkaline.
A lot to work with and try to fix for now my plan of a tack is to use a lot of plant based compost and no manure and add some iron. By adding plant based compost it should lower some of the salts just by volume. Plant based compost by nature is low to no salts and for me that is very good. That should also take care of my organic mater problem. If I add some peat moss which is plant based compost. That should lower the alkaline, peat moss is high in acid. So the plan of action is plant based compost, peat moss and some iron I'll keep you posted on how it all turns out.
So Untill next time

Happy Planting

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