Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Garden News

I have uploaded three new videos on you tube. One on transplanting Rhubarb, one on companion plants, and one on the garden. You can view them at: (You can click on the title to get there)
I thought that last year was a strange growing season, but this year has been a roller coaster ride all year for me. We have had strange rain storms, high winds, dry spells, times when it looked like the plants just wold not grow then just pop up and do there thing. My first crop of snow pees took for ever to germinate but once up just took off, now my second planting they are on time and doing great so far.
My tomatoes have done the same thing. After I transplanted them they just hung out with very little growth then about 3 weeks ago just took off, in size and with tomatoes as well. (I don't have any ready to pick but if the weather holds I just might get some about the middle of September.) So through it all the one thing that has held true this year is that it will be in Gods time. I get so raped up in the growing at the first of the year and have it all planed out when things will be ready and how much there should be to harvest then God tells me to just enjoy the growth. This summer I have taken the time to just sit in the garden and look at what God is doing in a place as rough as this. It's awesome. So as the weather slowly turns to winter I will sit more and watch the birds and enjoy the green in the garden.
Till next time

Happy growing / enjoy the green.

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