Wednesday, September 14, 2011

On to Arizona Gardening

It's been some time since the last time I added any thing to the blog. Here is an update on what has been happening in my little world. My wife got a transfer and a promotion, however, we had to move to the Phoenix area. It is a big change from our little home on one acre and the gardening I have grown up with.

We have an offer in on a home that sits on just under 2/10's of an acre (a far cry from our one acre) with a pool in the back that takes up most of the back yard. I now also have to take in to account the heat, soil, water (or the lack of), and a lot smaller space for gardening. I will be doing some container gardening and I will be making little micro climates in the back to cool off the area some in the summer and warm them up in the winter. I am also considering doing some vertical and square foot gardening as well. I am hoping that I will be able to grow enough to do some canning and have enough for a family of four. (though we only need enough for two) I am planning on enough for four to show how even in small spaces that the average family can grow enough food in there back yard to supplement the food bill. I believe that it is past time for us to take back our economy and it starts at home. Not with any government or any big business it starts with you and me. I have chosen to feed my self no matter where I happen to live.

You can do the same it will take a little work but the rewards of eating food that you grew your self will out weight any “hard” work that might take place. I hope that you will learn as I will learn on this new adventure, growing in the dessert here in the south-west U.S. will be a challenge but it should prove to be interesting. Some of the things I will be doing will only work down here in the warmer climate, but there will be a lot that can be used all over the U.S. And maybe other parts of the world.

If we close on October 7th 2011 like we plan on doing there will be more posts of the Arizonan gardening experience.

To start it off here they are now doing there fall planting, tomatoes, cabbage, beans and other goodies. There is a sample of what is yet to come.

Till next time

Learn to adapt and over come Happy Gardening

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The 2011 Garden

Here we are first part of April and the last freeze date for my area is any time from May 2nd to June 2nd I have potatoes in and hope to have my onions cabbage and some lettuce in tomorrow. It has been a dry winter and this spring isn't much better even for the high planes of Colorado it is dry, and now the wind has been blowing for the last few days. We have been on a red flag warning off and on for a week or so and looks like today and tomorrow will bring on more. It looks like I will have a big water bill this summer. That's the up-date for now I will post more as more comes up. Till next time Happy Gardening

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Home Garden

I started some herbs inside this year and I transplanted them the other day into bigger pots. I am hopping that they will be big enough to handle the hard conditions the summers can bring to plants in my region. Along with the herbs I have planted some cabbage and broccoli. I should be able to have the cabbage and broccoli planted in the garden by the end of March or the first of April. They should be able to handle any little cold spell that might still be hanging around. I will also be planting lettuces but that will be directly planted into the garden. If the price of produce goes up like the news is saying this year will be a great time for anyone to give there hand at gardening. Just one cabbage could be worth as much as $1.00 or better per pound and broccoli will be right there. Now if you add in tomato's and other vegetables your savings of a home garden could be great. Most of the vegetables that you grow can be frozen for later use and that will save you a lot of time not having to can everything. Check with your local extension office for more information on food preservation.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Getting Closer to Planting Time

It's getting closer to planting out doors, and things are moving right along here on the high plains. I have started some of my herbs and have already transplanted them in to bigger pots and have grow lights on them. I hope to be getting my seeds here in the next 5 to 7 days then I can do some more planting indoors. I also need to get working on my big trough. That will be one video you don't want to miss out on. The trough will be 4 ft x 2 ft x 4ft there will be a lot of work on that one. I'm thinking about having the video for sale for like $2.00 or $3.00 just to cover the cost of making it. I think it will be between 30 and 60 min. I'll have to look in to that a bit more.
I will get the garden tilled up this week / weekend I am going to try and get some grass seed in before the last frost and see if I cant get it to germinate better. Lots to do......

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Benefits of a Garden

There are many benefits of gardening, the health professionals will tell you that it lowers blood pressure, the gardener gets some exercise and fresh air. This may all be true, however, I believe that it goes deeper than that. I believe that it fights off the long winter that has just left or is on its way. I believe that it is Gods way for us to connect to the land that he gave to us to care for, to feel, smell, and touch that which he has given to us. It is a place of miracles where each plant that grows, it is as if God is saying here I am see what I can do. It is a place to think, rest, and talk to God of all the things of the day that is on your mind. Oh it will give you food, it will green up your yard, it will attract the birds of the area, could it be that they are there to see God as well. I can hear some of you saying that they don't believe in God all I can say is that in the little area that I have growing all my vegetables, God has shown himself to me over and over. I see plants so fragile and small grow to be a strong and hardy plant and I think of my life and how I was blessed to raise my children and the blessing that he has given to me.
The garden is more than just a place to grow a plant. Its a place to grow. Share a garden with your children, your neighbor, your parents or some old friends maybe even some new friends. Like the plants that die off in the fall so will everyone you know and so will you. Your harvest can be more than just vegetables it can be a life full of happy memory’s picked from your back yard garden. Grow what you can and your harvest may be more than you ever expected. Gardening is a great hobby and habit to pass on to the next generation. Every time I work in my garden I am reminded of the times I spent in the garden with my mom, and all my grandparents. I think of what I learned out in that backyard garden.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Worms or No Worms that is the question.

Now most of you who have read and or seen my You Tube videos know I have raised worms for composting. Unfortunately over the last year they have been dying off little by little. I have found myself in a spot where I need to ask do I replace the worms I have lost of just do with out? So I had to do some investigating as to why the worms dyed. The only thing that I can come up with for any kind of good or descant answer is that the tap water that I have here is bad for the worms. So If I am to get more worms I will need to filter the water. I also think that there might be some rodents eating some of the worms but I believe that the rodents are doing minimal damage. Now for the big point is the cost of replacement, worms are going for about $90.00 for 5 pounds that comes out to just about $18.00 per pound. If they live than all will be good, if they dye off than not so much.
I am thinking that I will be buying more worms in March or April as it worms up out side and the worms have a better chance of making it. I will keep you posted on how that is going and were I am in the process.
The benefits of using worms for composting far out weights not having and using the casting in the garden. I have used the castings to make a tea out of and used it as a spray on plants as an insecticide (I have seen it kill gnats and hard shelled insects) I use it as a liquid fertilizer and the castings as a soil amendment. I also use the worms to compost my trash. Such as coffee, coffee filters, tea and tea bags, vegetable waste, all kinds of paper products, I even will at times get manure and throw it in as a little treat for the worms. So there is some of the things I have been thinking of, I will be blogging more on worms and how to raise them, and some of the down falls.
If you are in the same situation as I am or if you have been thinking about getting in to worms stay posted for a lot of great information on worms.

Till Next Time

Happy Worming

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health and Gardening

I have been gardening for some time and I asked my self why? And I thought its not the savings, by the time you put in the time and cost, there is a big chance that it will end up costing more than if you just bought from the store. Then I had some pasta salsa that I made from last summers tomatoes and it hit me the flavor is so much more than store bought. I was all of a sudden taking a trip back to last summer how the breeze felt on that hot summer day as I was out there weeding the ground so the tomatoes could grow big and strong. The chill in the air as I scrambled to get the last off the vine and in side. I have canned summer squash and peaches I bought from Palisade Colorado, Corn I bought from Brighton, Colorado and I started to think could I use the herbs and vegetables from my garden for the health of my family and my self? As it turns out the answer is yes and why have I waited so long. From some of the herbalist web sights and from some survivalist web sights this is the thing to have on hand. I have used it for about a year now and it does work. It is known as the Master Tonic, Garlic Immune, Anti Plague. I have seen it for sale on some survival web pages and it wasn't cheep. Here are two recipes for this formula. I have some on hand all the time. Most of the ingredients I get from my garden.

Formula 1 is from Heal Thyself web site.
1 part fresh chopped garlic cloves ( antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti parasitical)
1 part fresh chopped white onions, or the hottest onion available (similar properties to garlic)
1 part fresh grated ginger root (increases circulation to the extremities)
1 part fresh grated horseradish root ( increases blood flow to the head)
1 part fresh chopped Cayenne peppers, Jalapenos, Serrano’s, Habeneros, African bird peppers … any combination of the hottest peppers available.
Fill a glass jar ¾ of the way full with equal parts of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs. Then fill to the top with raw unfiltered , unbleached, non distilled apple cider vinegar.

Close and shake vigorously and then top off with the vinegar if necessary. Begin this formula on the NEW moon and strain and bottle on the FULL moon, (approximately 14 days). Filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton, bottle and label.
Make sure that when you are making this tonic that you shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once per day. Remember that all the herbs and vegetables should be fresh (and organic if possible), and to use dried herbs only in an emergency.
1/2 to 1 ounce, two or more times daily, gargle and swallow.
I would go SLOW this is spicy Test FIRST than use.

You can use the solids as flavoring for cooking

Formula 2 is the one I use and I like to add some agave (or honey) and some flavoring I use anise, or you could use cherry.
From Dr Christopher Herbal Home Health Care:
Equal parts of each:
Garlic, Aloe Vera gel powder, Plantain, Wormwood, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Oak Bark, Black Walnut, Mullein, Skullcap, Uva Ursi. In an apple cider vinegar, glycerin, honey base.
This all purpose anti-biotic formula is used to treat colds, flues, congestion, infection, and all communicable diseases. It may be used in small amounts (one tablespoon three times a day) as a tonic during cold and flu season, or in large amounts (one tablespoon every hour) to fight off infection. This formula was designed by Dr. Christopher to treat bacterial and viral plagues.
Put herbs in container and fill with your base. The honey and glycerin make it more palatable.
I use these to treat my self when I feel run down or like something is starting to take hold. Please I recommend that if your symptoms worsen or don’t improve that you seek out a health care professional
Food Has Power ~ the power to harm and the power to heal.

Till Next Time

Stay Healthy

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cold Cold Cold,

Today we hit a high of 11 degrees, and we are expected to drop well below 0 tonight, and here I am thinking about what to plant in the garden this year. I was hopping to have a cold frame built and some seeds in the ground by now but it just hasn’t worked out yet. So I am thinking that I will be out in the cold tomorrow getting a cold frame up and put some lights in there to warm it up some. I would like to get some lettuces in the ground in the next week or so. There is some things that will do well in the cold but I'm thinking that this cold might be just a little to cold, I'll try it and see. Some of the vegetables that can make it in a cold frame are beets, Brussels sprouts, carrots, collards, kale, parsley, and spinach.
I am also going to put in cabbage, cauliflower, lettuce, radish, spinach, parsley, kale and I might put in beets. Mainly because that is what I like to eat and that is what I like to grow so we will see how it all goes.

Till next Time
Stay Warm and Happy Planting

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sale and buying seeds for 2011

Okay lets start with the seeds.
I've had my seed catalogs for weeks now and I think I have a list of what I am going to get for 2011 and here is my list from two different companies.

Mayflower = Bean
Old Homestead (Kentucky Wonder Pole) = Beans
Bull's Blood = Beet
European Mescalin = Salad
Rocky Top Lettuce = Salad
California Wonder = Sweet Pepper
Golden Marconi = Sweet Pepper
Italian Pepperoncini = Sweet Pepper
Super Shepherd = Sweet Pepper
German Giant = Radish
Bloomsdale Long Standing = Spinach
Giant Noble = Spinach
Hopi Pale Grey = Squash
Pink German Tree = Tomatoes
Raspberry Lyanna = Tomatoes
Riesentraube = Tomatoes
Rom = Tomatoes
Early Flat Dutch = Cabbage
Red Acre = Cabbage
Early Snowball = Cauliflower
Boston Pickling = Cucumbers
Amish Snap = Snap Peas
Wando = Shelling Peas
I still need to go through and pick out what herbs I want but here is a good start for the vegetables. I hope to be getting the order out this next week so I can get to planting. I still have some seeds left from last year so those will be going in as well.
Now for the sale I went to yesterday. It was beyond words, big would just start to describe this 16 acre over twenty mobile home and other trailers filled with all kinds of stuff. Some so packed you could not even get in. If you have the time and the energy to go to these extra extra large sales you can make out here is some of the things I got.
Heavy duty potato cutter (est. value $59.00), one full set and 4 parcel sets of poker chips
4 LP's, 7 buttons, 7 leather tools (est. value $50.00) , a Coors bar caddy (est. value $10.00), 2 small glass bottles, and the killer for the garden about 40 to 50 square feet of cobble stone and other brick. I estimate the brick at over $125.00 and I only payed $20.00 for all. Now it did take 3 hours of looking and moving but I will use the brick and I have gotten rid of the bar caddy, LP's, I'm keeping the potato cutter. That is my deal of the week. More to come as I get time. (Big smile)



Bar Caddy

Potato Cutter

Till Next Time.

Happy Hunting / planting

Monday, January 24, 2011

Seeds Seeds Seeds

Okay, I have been looking at my seed catalogs for a few weeks now and I think I know what I want to get but than I look at the other catalog and it changes. I know I have one acre to plant but 1. I don't plant the whole acre and 2. I don't have the water for all that growing. But I'm thinking that I sure would like to plant some sunflower's, they grow wild here so if I plant some they should grow.
I also would like to do more herbs this year something a little more hardy and ease to grow here in the high plains. I also have been studying the past few years and have come to the decision that I need to use raised bed's and I will put some hardware cloth down than dirt over the top. (That will keep the voles and the moles out of the vegetables. I would also like to get some grass to grow in a part of the garden and make like a little flower sitting area out there well see how that goes. First things first and that is to get the garden seeds so back to the catalogs I go I'll keep you all up dated.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Making Russian Tea.

Today I decided to make more Russian Tea. I have it posted on my you tube channel. Click on the title for the link to the video. Russian Tea is just Tang, Sugar, Instant Tea, Lemon Kool aid, Cinnamon, and powder cloves. I picked a great day to make the tea it is now 25 degrees and snowing, great night to drink a cup of Russian Tea. I am working on plans for some hot boxes I want to make and get in the garden. I might start that project tomorrow I'll see how that goes. Here are some photos of the snow hope that you all are worm

Till Next Time

Stay Warm!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Things done Things done

Planted some onion and tobacco seed. (See my you tube video)
and got the porch frame in and leveled out now all I need to do is get the 2 X 6's and put them on I'll let you know when I get it done. So with any luck and a lot of hard work I should have the back deck finished before summer. That way I will be able to make my large trough. So if we have some more nice days I should have more to talk to you about.

Till Next Time

Happy Planting

Monday, January 17, 2011

Planting will begin

It took most of the day but I think I did it and I am so proud of my self. I'm up on Etsy. So why is that news here? This summer I will be putting a full length video of how to make troughs and I will be selling it on Etsy. Right now I am thinking right around the $10.00 range plus shipping and handling (around $4.00 or so) so for like $15.00 you could have a video with all you need to know on how to make a trough. I will be planting seeds tomorrow, and hope to get a video up on that. (So watch for it) I also have to get my porch leveled and set in place so the next snow we get the wood will be protected from the weather. I will put some photos up on that project.

Till next time

Happy Planning

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One More Year.

K Still don't have Face Book fixed, but in time in time.
I will be in the Master Gardener Program for another year. It looks like there is a newer program and it looks good and like I will have time to do it, and the other things I want to do this year.
One thing I want to do is more blogging. I hope to have some exciting stuff to post for everyone to read. I look forward to a great year.

Till Next time

Keep on Keeping on Life is good.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Ugh Trying to figure out Face Book

I think I created a mess. I opened another FB account to show case my art work, (Including the troughs.) and I think I did it wrong. I may have to delete the newer one and re-do it. The good thing is that it is only a day old so I should be able to fix it. Okay so now on to other things, we got snow...yea yea we sure can use the water. I planted grass this fall and it is nice for it to get some water from snow. I will also be making a video for YouTube on composting I have a different way that I will be doing it this year, (hope it works) but I will share it with everyone. I will be getting a video up soon on eating dinner for $2.50 a plate or less. I now have 3 videos made and will need to edit and get them up. I will post some more recipes on here and on you tube. I will be selling some of my art and maybe a how to video on Etsy stay tuned for up dates on that. Time to go look at seed catalogs and see what I am going to be planting this year.

Till next time

Happy Planing

Sunday, January 9, 2011

A new Year a new start

Seed catalogs are arriving and now I need to decide who to get my seeds from. I will be planting the onion seeds and tobacco next week, in starter pots. I should do some tomato plants also. So here we go were off and in to 2011 gardening season. I have decided to start an Etsy store I'm still working on the name and some of the things I will be selling. I will be selling my art work, mostly things made from leather or wood, however, I am leaving that door open for more. I hope that I post more on here, You tube. FB, twitter and my space. I hope I didn't leave anyone out. I'm looking forward to a great and prospers 2011.

Till next time

Happy new Year