Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Home Garden

I started some herbs inside this year and I transplanted them the other day into bigger pots. I am hopping that they will be big enough to handle the hard conditions the summers can bring to plants in my region. Along with the herbs I have planted some cabbage and broccoli. I should be able to have the cabbage and broccoli planted in the garden by the end of March or the first of April. They should be able to handle any little cold spell that might still be hanging around. I will also be planting lettuces but that will be directly planted into the garden. If the price of produce goes up like the news is saying this year will be a great time for anyone to give there hand at gardening. Just one cabbage could be worth as much as $1.00 or better per pound and broccoli will be right there. Now if you add in tomato's and other vegetables your savings of a home garden could be great. Most of the vegetables that you grow can be frozen for later use and that will save you a lot of time not having to can everything. Check with your local extension office for more information on food preservation.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening


Anonymous said...

Hi Rick, thanks for all the helpful info! I just found your video on transplanting seedlings and it was really useful.

Rick said...

Thank you, I hope to be getting more up we have been moving but I will be doing more. Thank you