Sunday, October 19, 2008

2008 garden season

I need to talk a little bit about last year’s crop, so I can get caught up to date and talk about what is going on now for next year’s garden.
I planted corn in trenches instead of in mounds, I found that it works great, and uses a-lot less water than in mounds. (See photos)
The trench was about 6 inches deep with rows between each trench about 2 feet wide so I could weed and work the corn. I watered the corn with an over head sprinkler tell the corn was about 3 to 4 inches high. Then I flooded the trench every other day, and kept it well mulched with straw. The depth of the trench protected the little plants, and helped to hold moisture in the ground, the straw helped to minimize evaporation and keep the weeds down.
I used a cold frame this year and planted lettuce, spinach and radishes that made for a first harvest at the end of May.
My total harvest was, 38 ears of sweet corn, 3 rows of radishes, about 40 pounds of tomatoes, watermelon, squash, peppers, 5 quarts beans, garlic, onions, rhubarb, Brussels sprouts, kale, and 2 mounds of potatoes.
It turned out to be a good year, after a slow start.

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