Thursday, August 27, 2009

Bees in the garden

It's amazing, went all summer and only saw a few bees, today there where a lot of them. I counted 15 but there where more. Bees have been suffering from CCD (Colony collapse disorder.).
From what I have read and seen CCD is not fully understood yet. Some think it might be a might causing the decline of bees, while some think it is a virus. Some have blamed it on the environment and the use of chemicals on crops and other plants to control insects. There are some that say it is a combination of all of them. Regardless of the cause it is something we all need to be concerned about.
CCD has been confirmed in 24 U.S. States and parts of Canada, it also has hit India, Brazil, Australia, The U.K and parts of Europe. So why the big fuss? With the decline of these pollinators the human race is in big trouble. I have heard that if there where no more bees mankind would die out in as little as three months and as long as a year either way it will impact mankind in a very negativity way. So what can I do? Grow plants that attract bees, lay off the insecticide and herbicide. For more information on CCD you can go to and there is a lot of information on CCD on the web it is worth a look.
Till next time.

Happy Gardening / bee pollinating.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New Garden News

I have uploaded three new videos on you tube. One on transplanting Rhubarb, one on companion plants, and one on the garden. You can view them at: (You can click on the title to get there)
I thought that last year was a strange growing season, but this year has been a roller coaster ride all year for me. We have had strange rain storms, high winds, dry spells, times when it looked like the plants just wold not grow then just pop up and do there thing. My first crop of snow pees took for ever to germinate but once up just took off, now my second planting they are on time and doing great so far.
My tomatoes have done the same thing. After I transplanted them they just hung out with very little growth then about 3 weeks ago just took off, in size and with tomatoes as well. (I don't have any ready to pick but if the weather holds I just might get some about the middle of September.) So through it all the one thing that has held true this year is that it will be in Gods time. I get so raped up in the growing at the first of the year and have it all planed out when things will be ready and how much there should be to harvest then God tells me to just enjoy the growth. This summer I have taken the time to just sit in the garden and look at what God is doing in a place as rough as this. It's awesome. So as the weather slowly turns to winter I will sit more and watch the birds and enjoy the green in the garden.
Till next time

Happy growing / enjoy the green.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Start of the Harvest

Started the harvest for this year, I got some beans, beats, onions, garlic, and kale. I've canned and frozen them, even froze some beet greens for this winter. I am hopping for some tomatoes to ripen I have quite a few green ones on the vines and if the weather holds out should get a nice crop this year.
I've heard from all over Colorado that tomatoes this year are hit and miss, more misses than hits. (this is from home growers only) I had a call the other day that even in north east Oklahoma is having a bad time with tomatoes. I finely got some carrots to come up not a lot, about 3 feet, I planted a 20 foot row.
But it just isn't my year for carrots I guess. I have up loaded some photos of the harvest. I am debating on having a garden in Denver next year. It will depend on where we will be next year, but if I do I have decided to have a stand up to sell some of the goods. As time gets closer I will up date and post where and when the stand will be open, and what will be for sale. So as this year starts to wind down, its time to start planning for next year.
Till next time.

Happy Harvesting / planing

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Well I harvested some beets today. Looks like I’ll be blanching and freezing beets this afternoon. I also harvested the last of one row of beans just enough for dinner. With all this crazy weather they aren’t looking all that good right now. I’m thinking about pulling the plants and replanting that row, I might have enough time for one or two pickings yet this year. (I hope)
The other beans are looking good, should be picking them in about 3 weeks I am going to let them dry on the vine for winter storage.
The Brussels sprouts are looking real good this year, I don’t plan on getting anything off them till well in to September or October any how after the first snow. I have read that it gives them more flavor if you hold off on picking till after it snows. I have a few tomatoes little as they may be right now but I do have some. Last year I didn’t have any un-till the end of August first of September.

Until next time

Happy Gardening / Harvesting