Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Start of the Harvest

Started the harvest for this year, I got some beans, beats, onions, garlic, and kale. I've canned and frozen them, even froze some beet greens for this winter. I am hopping for some tomatoes to ripen I have quite a few green ones on the vines and if the weather holds out should get a nice crop this year.
I've heard from all over Colorado that tomatoes this year are hit and miss, more misses than hits. (this is from home growers only) I had a call the other day that even in north east Oklahoma is having a bad time with tomatoes. I finely got some carrots to come up not a lot, about 3 feet, I planted a 20 foot row.
But it just isn't my year for carrots I guess. I have up loaded some photos of the harvest. I am debating on having a garden in Denver next year. It will depend on where we will be next year, but if I do I have decided to have a stand up to sell some of the goods. As time gets closer I will up date and post where and when the stand will be open, and what will be for sale. So as this year starts to wind down, its time to start planning for next year.
Till next time.

Happy Harvesting / planing

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