Thursday, March 12, 2009

Putting in the Boxes for Blueberries

March 12, 2009
Ok I am going to do something that should not be done in the desert plains and that is to plant blueberries. (and raspberries but that is for another time)
I will be planting two bushes a Jersey and a Blueray you need to plant two different verities for them to pollinate.
The reason I should not be planting blueberries is that blueberries need a high acid soil (and we have a high alkaline soil) and blueberries need a lot of water. (Need I comment?)
So here is what I have done, I took two boxes 2’ x 4’ burred the boxes 1’ deep. There is no bottom on the boxes. In one I added some crystals that hold water, in the other I didn’t add any. In both boxes I added ½ bag of peat moss, one bag of manure, a shovel of worm casting and topped it off with 2" of wood chips.
By leaving 12" of the box above ground I hope that it will keep some of the wind off the soil and slow evaporation. We’ll see if it works.
If the weather holds out this weekend I will be planting:
Brussels sprouts
and Pees
I plan on planting two verities of potatoes a purple and Yukon gold

I am also going to plant in straw bales

And I’ve added a photo of the herb area

Happy planting

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