Monday, January 24, 2011

Seeds Seeds Seeds

Okay, I have been looking at my seed catalogs for a few weeks now and I think I know what I want to get but than I look at the other catalog and it changes. I know I have one acre to plant but 1. I don't plant the whole acre and 2. I don't have the water for all that growing. But I'm thinking that I sure would like to plant some sunflower's, they grow wild here so if I plant some they should grow.
I also would like to do more herbs this year something a little more hardy and ease to grow here in the high plains. I also have been studying the past few years and have come to the decision that I need to use raised bed's and I will put some hardware cloth down than dirt over the top. (That will keep the voles and the moles out of the vegetables. I would also like to get some grass to grow in a part of the garden and make like a little flower sitting area out there well see how that goes. First things first and that is to get the garden seeds so back to the catalogs I go I'll keep you all up dated.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

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