Monday, July 20, 2009

Late season Planting.

I decided to do some late season planting. We planted carrots 68 days to harvest (around Sept 16th)
Swiss chard 60 days to harvest ( around Sept 8th). Turnip 55 days to harvest (around the end of Aug.)
Saturday we planted snow peas we should be harvesting them about Mid to the end of August maybe in to September. I think even if we get a frost it will be a light frost and every thing we planted should be OK. Kellie and I also planted soy beans between the corn on Saturday on the packet it said that it will get to 15 feet high, (we'll see) the corn is suppose to get to 12 feet but I don't think it will get that tall this year. I hope it does but this is harsh growing conditions.

Till next time

Happy Planting

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