Friday, February 26, 2010

Up-Side down planter

The up side down planters have made a big splash in the last few years. They are a fun and easy way to grow plants. However, there is some things that you need to take in to consideration, the soil will dry out quicker than from a pot and or from the garden. Also if you live in a high wind area they are easy to get knocked over, so you will need to find a place where they are protected from high winds. Your larger tomatoes like Beef Stake and Better Boy's have a tendency to break off the vine. The smaller tomatoes like the cherry do great, even cucumbers and some squash do very good. The plants are also less likely to get diseases then their counter parts growing in the ground or in pots. One theory for this is that the plant doesn't touch the ground or gets splash from watering so less contact less chances of contracting any thing.

Now with that said, you don't need to go out and spend $10.00 to $40.00 for one on the market, you can make your own I have made them from 5 gallon buckets, 1 gallon buckets, to even a juice bottle. (See my You Tube channel ) I up loaded a video making one.

All you need to do is to cut a hole in the center of the bottom of your container, about 2 to 3 inches round. Use a coffee filter (or two double them up) cut it to the center of the filter(s) Do Not cut in half. This will hold the soil in when you are filling your container. Pick your plant place stem through the filter place in the hole you cut in your container fill with potting soil. Keep well watered, place in a safe sunny spot, you should have fresh vegetables in a month or so. Give this a try if you have limited space to grow plants.

Till Next time

Happy Planting

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