Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Benefits of a Garden

There are many benefits of gardening, the health professionals will tell you that it lowers blood pressure, the gardener gets some exercise and fresh air. This may all be true, however, I believe that it goes deeper than that. I believe that it fights off the long winter that has just left or is on its way. I believe that it is Gods way for us to connect to the land that he gave to us to care for, to feel, smell, and touch that which he has given to us. It is a place of miracles where each plant that grows, it is as if God is saying here I am see what I can do. It is a place to think, rest, and talk to God of all the things of the day that is on your mind. Oh it will give you food, it will green up your yard, it will attract the birds of the area, could it be that they are there to see God as well. I can hear some of you saying that they don't believe in God all I can say is that in the little area that I have growing all my vegetables, God has shown himself to me over and over. I see plants so fragile and small grow to be a strong and hardy plant and I think of my life and how I was blessed to raise my children and the blessing that he has given to me.
The garden is more than just a place to grow a plant. Its a place to grow. Share a garden with your children, your neighbor, your parents or some old friends maybe even some new friends. Like the plants that die off in the fall so will everyone you know and so will you. Your harvest can be more than just vegetables it can be a life full of happy memory’s picked from your back yard garden. Grow what you can and your harvest may be more than you ever expected. Gardening is a great hobby and habit to pass on to the next generation. Every time I work in my garden I am reminded of the times I spent in the garden with my mom, and all my grandparents. I think of what I learned out in that backyard garden.

Till Next Time

Happy Gardening

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