Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Health and Gardening

I have been gardening for some time and I asked my self why? And I thought its not the savings, by the time you put in the time and cost, there is a big chance that it will end up costing more than if you just bought from the store. Then I had some pasta salsa that I made from last summers tomatoes and it hit me the flavor is so much more than store bought. I was all of a sudden taking a trip back to last summer how the breeze felt on that hot summer day as I was out there weeding the ground so the tomatoes could grow big and strong. The chill in the air as I scrambled to get the last off the vine and in side. I have canned summer squash and peaches I bought from Palisade Colorado, Corn I bought from Brighton, Colorado and I started to think could I use the herbs and vegetables from my garden for the health of my family and my self? As it turns out the answer is yes and why have I waited so long. From some of the herbalist web sights and from some survivalist web sights this is the thing to have on hand. I have used it for about a year now and it does work. It is known as the Master Tonic, Garlic Immune, Anti Plague. I have seen it for sale on some survival web pages and it wasn't cheep. Here are two recipes for this formula. I have some on hand all the time. Most of the ingredients I get from my garden.

Formula 1 is from Heal Thyself web site.
1 part fresh chopped garlic cloves ( antibacterial, anti-fungal, antiviral, anti parasitical)
1 part fresh chopped white onions, or the hottest onion available (similar properties to garlic)
1 part fresh grated ginger root (increases circulation to the extremities)
1 part fresh grated horseradish root ( increases blood flow to the head)
1 part fresh chopped Cayenne peppers, Jalapenos, Serrano’s, Habeneros, African bird peppers … any combination of the hottest peppers available.
Fill a glass jar ¾ of the way full with equal parts of the above fresh chopped and grated herbs. Then fill to the top with raw unfiltered , unbleached, non distilled apple cider vinegar.

Close and shake vigorously and then top off with the vinegar if necessary. Begin this formula on the NEW moon and strain and bottle on the FULL moon, (approximately 14 days). Filter the mixture through a clean piece of cotton, bottle and label.
Make sure that when you are making this tonic that you shake it every time you walk by it, a minimum of once per day. Remember that all the herbs and vegetables should be fresh (and organic if possible), and to use dried herbs only in an emergency.
1/2 to 1 ounce, two or more times daily, gargle and swallow.
I would go SLOW this is spicy Test FIRST than use.

You can use the solids as flavoring for cooking

Formula 2 is the one I use and I like to add some agave (or honey) and some flavoring I use anise, or you could use cherry.
From Dr Christopher Herbal Home Health Care:
Equal parts of each:
Garlic, Aloe Vera gel powder, Plantain, Wormwood, Lobelia, Marshmallow, Oak Bark, Black Walnut, Mullein, Skullcap, Uva Ursi. In an apple cider vinegar, glycerin, honey base.
This all purpose anti-biotic formula is used to treat colds, flues, congestion, infection, and all communicable diseases. It may be used in small amounts (one tablespoon three times a day) as a tonic during cold and flu season, or in large amounts (one tablespoon every hour) to fight off infection. This formula was designed by Dr. Christopher to treat bacterial and viral plagues.
Put herbs in container and fill with your base. The honey and glycerin make it more palatable.
I use these to treat my self when I feel run down or like something is starting to take hold. Please I recommend that if your symptoms worsen or don’t improve that you seek out a health care professional
Food Has Power ~ the power to harm and the power to heal.

Till Next Time

Stay Healthy

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