Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I just uploaded a video on you tube on how I water. You can find it at:

The reason I water this way is to get the water to the plants roots and keep it there for the most amount of time possible. Also over head watering evaporates during the spray time of the sprinkler. I can water this way in the evening and the next afternoon the soil is still damp the next evening. The plants don't suffer from wind burn near as badly as they did when I used the over head watering method. Also if I had put the garden on an automatic drip system the plants would do even better.
I just got word that the Denver West Metro Area got hit by high winds and flooding rains last night.
I hope that everyone is OK. I go to that area once a week or so to take care of some propriety in West Arvada. I will be going up to Denver Wednesday and check out the propriety and see if there is any damage and if there is any thing I need to clean up. I will post what I find Wednesday night or Thursday.

Till Next time

Happy Gardening / Watering

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Also good for water conservation. :)